How to Join a Live on TikTok

How to Join a Live on TikTok

For many people, TikTok is just about watching pre-recorded short-form videos. But Here’s one thing that most don’t know – this social media app also offers an engaging live-streaming experience, allowing users to interact with their favorite creators in real time!

With this feature, people can form real connections with their favorite TikTok stars! If you’re new to the platform, here’s a quick guide on how to join TikTok Live with your favorite creator and join in on the fun!

Finding Live Streams on TikTok

The first step to joining a live stream is to find creators who are broadcasting at the moment. There are a couple of different ways to do this:

  • Tap on the “Live” icon at the bottom of your TikTok app. This will take you to the LIVE section, where you can browse different live broadcasts happening now.
  • Look for the “Live” tag on videos in your For You feed. Videos labeled “Live” indicate that the creator is streaming live at that moment.
  • You’ll automatically get a notification when someone you follow starts a live stream on TikTok. Make sure you have notifications enabled for your favorite creators.

Once you find an intriguing live video, simply tap on it to join the broadcast.

Watching and Interacting in a TikTok Live

After joining a live, you’ll see the creator’s real-time video stream on your screen. On the sidebar, you can view all the comments from other live viewers pouring in.

To join the conversation and interact with the creator and audience:

  • Tap the comment field at the bottom of the screen.
  • Type in your message, question, or feedback.
  • Hit send to post your comment live for all to see.

The creator will often be responding to select comments and may even give shout-outs to active participants during their live stream.

Showing Appreciation with Gifts

In addition to commenting, you can show your support for creators by sending them virtual gifts during their TikTok live. These digital animations are purchased using TikTok’s in-app currency called Diamonds.

Simply tap the gift icon, select an animated gift you’d like to send and complete the purchase. Your gift will be displayed during the live for the creator to react to.

Creators can accumulate Diamonds received during their live streams and eventually convert them into cash payments from TikTok.